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Understanding Project Stewardship

Learn about project-stewarded posts, how to make them and how they can be used.

What is Project Stewardship?

Project stewarded posts are posts where the creator has granted a tagged project a license to use the post data. This is done by requiring consent from both the user and the project using project stewardship logic.

SIKU respects Indigenous knowledge and strives to protect it from misuse while encouraging its mobilization for the benefit of Indigenous self-determination.

It is the responsibility of all project stewards to ensure that they have done their due diligence in terms of signing agreements, obtaining permits/ethics approval or other mechanisms, regulations or laws governing research in their jurisdiction before using any post data. All usage must adhere to the SIKU Terms of Reference.

Project Stewardship Logic

For a post to be stewarded by a project, its creator must be a project member at the time of post creation AND the project must be tagged in the post.

Located in the preferences tab of post creation and editing on the web, this post is stewarded by the “Qikiqtait” Project.

Abilities of Projects Stewards

Project stewarded posts give project administrators the following abilities from the project post manager. Not all abilities are available to every project.

  1. Export
    Export stewarded posts to a JSON file.
  2. Disassociate
    Remove your project’s tag from a stewarded post.

Users may remove tagged project stewards for up to 48 hours after post creation after which only project admins can remove their project stewardship tag.

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Updated on June 17, 2024

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