• Feed Filtering

    Click the sidebar icon on the top left corner of the map. Click the filter icon. You can filter posts according to the date by clicking on the red box outlined below. The posts that were posted within the two dates you choose will be displayed on your feed. The…

  • Create a Social Post

    Click on the sidebar icon on the top left corner of the map. Click the social icon. Type your post in the “Post on SIKU” box. Use the “New tag” box to add a location or tag another member on SIKU in your post. You can add photo(s) to your…

  • Adding Photos to Posts

    Click the drop down button as shown. Click the add featured photos option to select which pictures you want to post from your camera roll. Up to 3 photos can be highlighted on the SIKU feed.  Create a name for the post using the “featured post name” box. You can…

  • Location & Time Panel

    Click the drop down button.  Click on the time zone option to input which time zone you belong to. Click the date and time icons to enter the date and time you encountered the animal. Enter the location you spotted the animal by clicking on the drop map pin option…

  • Create a Wildlife Post

    Click the post icon on the top left corner of the SIKU site. Click on the wildlife icon to view the different wildlife options. Scroll to and click on the animal you wish to post about. You can also search for the animal by typing its name into the “search…

  • Explore Sea Ice Profiles

    Click the explore icon on the top left corner of the screen.  Click the ice types option to access the different sea ice profiles. Click which ice type you wish to view. If you are interested in viewing a specific ice type, you can enter the name of the ice…

  • Hide the Left Sidebar

    Click theĀ  [fa i=”chevron-left”] sidebar button on the top left corner of the map to hide the left hand side bar and enlarge the map view. Click the sidebar button again to bring it back.

  • Expanding/Collapsing Panels

    Using the chevrons arrows ([fa i=”chevron-up”] [fa i=”chevron-down”])  at the right edge of each panel header, you can collapse or expand the panel to view its fields.

  • Required fields

    Required fields are explained here, with indicators shown.